CS-RCS Technical Support Information ============================= Thank you for your interest in CS-RCS. *** Support Policy *** Evaluation sites of CS-RCS are eligible for free technical support during the evaluation period. Registered sites are eligible for free technical support for six months. If needed, a support agreement may be signed with ComponentSoftware after this period. *** CS-RCS Home Page *** You may look at the product's home page for up-to-date product information, release notes, known anomalies and FAQ list. The product's home page address is: http://www.ComponentSoftware.com/csrcs. *** Getting technical support *** You must fill the "Technical Support Form" below. Please use separate forms for separate items. Send your request to ComponentSoftware to the following addresses: Email: support@ComponentSoftware.com Fax: Int.+972-3-5320086 Normally, we acknowledge a technical support call within one business day and answer the call within two business days (depend on the nature of the call). ---------------------- cut here ---------------------------------------------------------- CS-RCS Technical Support Form ======================= Product: CS-RCS version 1.0.59 Site number: ______ (If you don't have your site number yet, you must attach the "Environment Description Form" below.) Request type: ( ) How do I ...? ( ) Missing feature ( ) Program anomaly Call description: (Use as much space as needed; attach example files if possible) ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ ---------------------- cut here ---------------------------------------------------------- CS-RCS Environment Description Form: ============================ Name: ____________________ Company: ____________________ E-mail: _______________________ Phone: ______(____)_____________ Operating system: ( ) Windows 95 ( ) Windows NT ( ) Both Multi-platform environment (Windows/UNIX ): ( ) Yes ( ) No Number of users: ( ) Single user ( ) Multi-user Archive files are stored on: ( ) Repository tree ( ) Local RCS directory Archive files are stored on: ( ) Local workstation ( ) Windows 95 shared drive ( ) Windows NT shared drive ( ) Windows NT Advanced Server ( ) NetWare Novell ( ) UNIX SMB Server ( ) Internet/Intranet Server (NetBios over TCP/IP) ( ) Other ___________ Product is used for: (check all that applies) [ ] Office documents [ ] WWW documents [ ] C/C++ files [ ] Visual Basic files [ ] Java Files [ ] Other : _______________ Where have you heard about the product? (optional) _________________